Monday, January 4, 2010

The 5 Common Perceptions About Internet Marketing

People that are not in Internet Marketing or Home Based businesses are reluctant to enter the industry because of their negative understanding of the industry. I have come across different negative responses from speaking to certain individuals. I’ve narrowed the expansive list down to 5 that I can’t wait to clear up!

Myth # 1: Most programs are scams.

Many people dive into the industry thinking that it will be simple and spend tons of money on products and programs, LOTS of time and energy trying to sell them (with little-to-no results) and then throw their hands in the air declaring everyone and everything associated with Internet Marketing a scam.

The Truth is that the majority of programs are created by good-hearted, dedicated, and intelligent people who are trying to improve their own lives and the lives of others. A person can “try” their hardest and spend a ton of time promoting something, but hard work doesn’t guarantee success! You’re not digging a hole here, you’re marketing! That means that you can advertise as much as you can and not make a sale. Success will actually be a combination of product, placement, price, and promotion (Also known as the marketing mix.) Place and promotion are usually up to the individual marketer… so if you’re consistently experiencing failure to sell, start by examining how you’re promoting and to whom you’re promoting to-and change your strategy so that you’re promoting to an audience that NEEDS what you’re offering, and make sure that you’re conveying to them how it will benefit them! Yes, there are scams out there and people looking to make a quick buck at your expense, but they are the minority of offerings and quite easy to avoid once you have a basic understanding of the industry.

Myth # 2: Internet Marketing is a Big Pyramid Scheme.

This is actually a very ironic misconception. Think about it: what is it when there is a person at the top of an organization with the most power and money who benefits at a disproportionate amount of the people under them who are actually doing all of the work? It sounds like corporate America to me!

In fact, Americas current economic crisis was caused by something resembling a pyramid scheme more than most internet companies EVER will. In internet marketing, ones downline can become MORE successful than those above them. When was the last time a secretary bypassed the CEO of their company? (HINT: Never!) Also, unlike a pyramid scheme, there is a never ending supply of prospects coming into the industry! By the way, many well known companies use the power of viral marketing and affiliates as they understand that word of mouth is one of the most effective methods of advertising… and they leverage the time of others, only need to pay based on the success of their affiliate, and don’t have to pay a salary for it!

Myth # 3: Internet Marketing is Easy.

Be prepared for long hours on the computer and sacrificing time with your friends and family, especially when starting out. Also, it’s necessary to be creative and never stop learning, adapting, and applying in order to stay current with the constantly growing and changing industry…Which brings me to the next myth…

Myth # 4: Internet Marketing is Hard.

The most difficult part is starting out and learning and applying everything. Remember the 20/80 principle: 20% of the time used to set everything up will benefit you for the remaining 80% of the time. Working on a computer doesn’t require huge muscles or actual power tools (Unless that’s your product or niche!).

For me, it’s not hard because, even though I work long hours, I love and have a passion for my career and therefore it doesn’t even feel like ‘work’. I’d MUCH rather be creating websites, networking with interesting, nice people, and writing emails promoting my favorite products and services than waking up at the same time 5 days a week to sit through traffic and then preparing coffee for a boss that spends his 2 hour workday talking about his kids and planning his next golf game!

Myth # 5: It’s nearly impossible to be successful in Internet Marketing.

You will live up (or down) to the restrictions that you put on yourself. Yes, 97% of the people that come into the industry will FAIL. 97% of the time, they failed because they refused to learn and adapt and gave up. I know that I wouldn’t have the success that I have today if I had given up after the first few months, where I was spending every waking minute on the computer trying to figure out what I was doing wrong and to come up with strategies that worked. I made TONS of mistakes, but instead of being defined by them, I learned from them, and changed my strategy, adjusted, NEVER stopped believing in myself despite the fact that NO ONE else did (Yes, even my friends and family)… and I KEPT GOING. Within just a few months I was on the leader boards of several companies and making a full-time living online.

It all comes down to this: you are responsible for your own success. You are not a victim. Learn from your mistakes, make some more, keep learning, and even if it seems that everyone else has given up on you, NEVER give up on yourself. It’s your life to create, so reach for the stars, know what you want with every fiber of your being, and do everything in your power to attain it…. and it will be yours.

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Unknown said...

When people are looking to work form home they usually start looking for something they feel may be 'easy' enough to do from home and use basic skills.
work online

Wandering Guy said...


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