Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What The Christmas Holiday Can Teach Us About Being In Business

The holiday of Christmas is generally spent with the people with whom are extremely close to your heart and is a time to cherish the most valuable things in life which sadly often times get lost in the crazy and fast paced world we live in, especially if you’re an entrepreneur. After all, entrepreneurs seemingly all have the mindset of trying to accomplish as much as humanly possible all in the course of one 24 hour day. For example, on the agenda today is four client meets, two conference calls, a daily chat that you promised to your wife, pickup the kids from school, take them to soccer practice, make them dinner while of course trying to finish the paperwork you needed to have done by today, all while spending time with your wife, getting in a workout, watching the big game, and putting your kids down for the night. It’s flat out exhausting. However, on Christmas, you can afford to put everything aside because time seems to virtually stop during this holiday and finally you can focu

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