Saturday, October 11, 2008

For As The Man Thinks

For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7) NKJV

Your thoughts from yesterday put you where you are today. If you are in poverty today it's because you thought poverty yesterday. If you want to be a millionaire tomorrow, you must start thinking like a millionaire today.

How does a millionaire think? A millionaire who loses all his money will begin immediately to look for ways to make it all back again. His first thought is of where he can invest. A millionaire who goes broke today will earn it back many times over. We hear about the one who lost all his money in the stock market and jumped out of the window, but we don't hear about the dozens, even hundreds, who make it all back the next day or even next week. A millionaire thinks of how much he will make, not how much he lost.

Knowing where you came from will help you make some changes. The bad thought patterns that you have today are really habitual. They have been slowly added to your thought pattern from the early age. They began in childhood and they have influenced the choices you have made in your life and even the kind of work you have looked for or the career

A lot of people think Internet Business is not easy to learn and adapt. I have found it to be very user friendly and profitable especially Internet Marketing. You do not have to re-invent the wheel, just follow those who are making it or have made it!!!!

1 comment:

Graham Maddison said...

Thought provoking post Veejay. You are right in so many ways, summed up as positive thinking.

Thanks for sharing


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